Couples Therapy

“My husband had had an affair and we were a broken couple… with 4 kids. Our Catholic beliefs were a complicated part of the anger, shame, and guilt we both harbored. Dr. Kotov worked compassionately with us to separate our issues into each of our responsibilities, and then really hear each other. We are together [15 years later] because of her work with us. “ Z&M, NYC

Are you struggling to feel appreciated or heard in your relationship? Do you feel at odds with your partner over money, intimacy, or raising children? Have you drifted apart due to busy lifestyles? Are you facing life changes that impact you and your partner? Have you or your partner had an affair?

Coming together in a shared couple’s therapy session can help you find clarity in your own role within the relationship, and gain a deeper understanding of your partner’s role: what you can really expect of each other, and what not. We will focus on safe emotional communication, and create achievable goals to help you find pleasure and trust in your partnership – or a way to separate and heal.

I have over 2 decades of experience working with couples and the dilemmas of our deepest relationships, and I would be honored to help you create lasting change.

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